Metatarsalgia or metatarsal pain, is most often localized behind the big toe and is known as a “stone bruise”. It’s a term used for any painful foot condition affecting the metatarsal region of the foot. This problem can affect the joints and bones of the metatarsals.
– Shooting pain in the toes
– Sharp Aching
Feet have small toe nerves located between the metatarsal bones. When the head of one metatarsal bone is pressed against another, the small nerves are caught between them and start inflamating, thus causing metatarsalgia.
Get better fitting flat headed shoes.
When resting try putting your feet up, by relieving the pressure off your feet.
Using shock absorbing insoles to relieve pressure when walking.
Exercising the ankles and stretching the tendons.
Use fitted insoles (orthotics) as these will ease the pressure, improve feet functions and guard the ball of your feet.